Fall Ball 2023 is a Wrap

Thanks to everybody for a highly successful Fall Ball season! We broke last year’s record for participation, and while Fall is always tricky attendance wise, we consistently had a decent showing with players from 7th grade to 12th grade as well as a few guests. Ten practices, a Jamboree and an inaugural appearance in the Elite Division of the Space Needle Shootout, and we have absolutely improved as a team with legitimate momentum heading into Spring. 

We once again shared our practice field with Roosevelt  and travelled to Sedro-Wolley for a Jamboree with Skagit Valley and West Seattle. It provided a lot of our younger/newer players a ton of game time reps, and introduced them to the more physical style of play that High School ball poses. We had some 8th graders and a 7th grader play a considerable chunk of time, and this experience will help drastically build our pipeline for the future.

This is the first time in our program history that we had the numbers to field a Fall tournament team at the Space Needle Shootout, and while the competition was stiff, we were able to have a dominant win and play competitively all weekend against Ballard, Skyline, Claremont (BC) and Lilac City.
The countdown to the 2024 Spring season is officially under way…